A slow or non-response will raise the pressure bar. The points are awarded according to how fast to reply a response. These include head-on, near miss, pilots' pressure bar reaching 100%, or failed to accumulate enough points to pass that particular stage. In the game, there are a few conditions that will cause game over. The choice of Standard Terminal Arrival Route distance eliminates the speed instruction in previous version. towing planes to gates), giving correct Standard Instrument Departure, use of radar vectors, and changing channel frequency. New features included ground movements (e.g.

The game is now in 3D, more airport gates, and increased to five channels of communication: Approach, Tower, Ground, Delivery, and Departure. Airports: ATC + Power Kit 1 + Power Kit 2Īir Traffic Controller 2 made many improvements.Air Traffic Controller Power Up Kit 2 Value Pack.Airports: Kansai International Airport, Narita International Airport and New Chitose Airport.Air Traffic Controller Power Up Kit 1 Value Pack.Airports: Saga Airport, Fukuoka Airport and Komatsu Airport.Airports Featured: Miyazaki Airport, Hiroshima-Nishi Airport, Matsuyama Airport, Osaka International Airport, Nagoya Airfield and Tokyo International Airport.

There is only one channel of communication. Players direct the air traffic for arrival and departures.
Initially released as a computer game, there have also been five PlayStation Portable versions, a Game Boy Advance, a Nintendo DS version, and nine Nintendo 3DS versions. Air Traffic Controller 4 was released in 2015. Air Traffic Controller 3 was released in 2008. Its sequel Air Traffic Controller 2 was released in 2005. The player's mission is to direct planes onto the correct ILS, land them on the runway, taxi them to the correct gate, and to direct takeoffs.Īir Traffic Controller was released in Japan in July 1998. The games simulate the job of an air traffic controller. PC, PlayStation Portable, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DSĪir Traffic Controller ( ぼくは航空管制官 Boku wa Kūkō Kanseikan, shortened as ATC) is a simulationcomputer game series, developed by TechnoBrain, that simulates the operation of an airport. So, for all the games in this genre I have tried (and I have tried a 'few'), this is the one I intend to keep. One quite annoying thing though, is ads running after you've clicked to start a new level and the game not being paused while they run. BGM are always so monotonious that after a while they drive you crazy anyways. So yeah, give me SE sounds anyday, anytime, almost any game. I have always opted to either kill the background music or have it turned down inaudiably low. I think it would be a lot more appealing to add Special Effects sounds (Aircraft sounds, etc). Maybe to cheaply increase difficulty while still keeping it simple: increase number of aircraft landed to move from one level to the other, maybe also increase the number of levels.

Maybe this so because in this game there are no purchases CONS: 1. No ham handed 'artificial intelligence' rigging you to fail, in an attempt to give a look of difficulty. Submitted on Review title of JENNIFERMOST CONDUSIVE OF ALL